Joint Articulation

Articulation: Joints and structures being moved passively through their range of pain free movements. This technique aids the body’s natural lubricating system to embalm the joint which increases range of motion and decreases pain. It is a technique that involves repeatedly taking a restricted joint into and out of its barrier to reduce a restriction. Articulation has successfully been proven to relieve pain and increase range of motion in joints.

Manipulation is a type of manual therapy that combines moving and jolting joints, massage, exercise, and physical therapy. It’s designed to relieve pressure on joints, reduce inflammation, and improve nerve function. It’s often used to treat back, neck, shoulder, and headache pain. Manipulation can be used to treat everyone from infants to the elderly, people of every age and just about any condition can get this form of treatment.

‘Osteopathic massage is a holistic whole body, soft-tissue focused form of massage that incorporates both osteopathic and stretching techniques, which indirectly work to promote overall wellbeing and healthy join positioning.’ ‘Osteopathic massage aims to free up restrictions or stiffness within muscles and joints to not only improve the body’s movement and posture but also blood flow, venous (veins) system, lymphatic drainage, and nerve conduction. Osteo massage may help boost the body’s vitality and energy levels, immune system responses, and ability to fight disease.’
Cranial Sacral Therapy
This therapy is a form of bodywork that aims to ease tension using a gentle, noninvasive touch. During a cranial session, our Osteopath’s will apply gentle pressure on the head, neck, and back to help relieve stress and pain. The idea is that the manipulation of the bones in the skull, spine and pelvis, help the flow of cerebrospinal fluid in the central nervous system which removes blockages and helps our body to heal. The pressure during this therapy is so soft, it feels more like a light massage rather than an intense medical treatment. It’s used to treat an extensive range of problems in both children and adults, the main ones include anxiety, IBS, back pain, neck pain, headaches, sleep problems and much more.
Cupping Therapy

‘Cupping therapy is based around the principle that suction from the cups draws the skin up and mobilises blood and energy around the body, encouraging the body’s natural healing process.’ Cupping involves the skin and muscles being pulled into the cup, rather than compressed – much like a reverse massage or reverse pressure on the body. This causes increased blood flow to the affected area, which in turn helps to nourish and deliver oxygen to the tissues and encourages the healing process with the therapeutic aim of removing congestion and pain. Cupping is often used to treat neck/back pain, sporting injuries such as Tennis Elbow, muscular pain and alleviating stress and anxiety.