Pilates practice is a wonderful way to ease your body through the changes that happen over the course of your pregnancy and prepare you for the birth of your child. We strongly believe in a holistic approach to exercise when pregnant, using the work to help navigate both physical and emotional changes. Here at Mount Pilates we don’t simply give you a set of exercises that are safe to do during pregnancy, we want you to experience a mindful and therapeutic movement practice. We love to see you grow in confidence and explore your body through movement, deepening the connection between you and your growing child, so that you feel empowered heading into labour and motherhood.
You will learn movements that soothe your body, creating harmony between your mind, your breath, your body and your baby. We explore how your pelvis moves during birth, connecting, opening and mobilizing it. We will guide you though breath work to help release tension and enhance movement and relaxation. You will move standing, sitting and lying down. We want to leave you feeling free and wonderful in your body so that you can have the labour and birth you want.
Our classes are limited to 5 women to ensure that you are always observed, supported and guided appropriately.
We run BUMP Pregnancy Pilates for a duration of 6 weeks.
Our postpartum Pilates program follows a similar holistic approach. We provide you with safe exercises to help you achieve stability and strength, and cope with the new demands of motherhood. Even more importantly though, we give you the tools and space to return awareness to your own body, acknowledging the changes it has experienced, and connecting with the new version of you. Even better, you can bring your beautiful baby with you, so you can exercise while growing your bond. We ease into it, so you can get started 6 weeks after the birth, with the support of your LMC.
Our pregnancy and post-partum instructors have had special training and have a great understanding of the physical changes that happen in your body during these times. We can help prevent or manage a wide range of pre- and post-natal conditions and keep you safe in your movement practice. Our classes are limited to 5 women to ensure that you are always observed, supported and guided appropriately. We use state of the art reformers that can be modified to give you as much support and comfort as you need.
We run Mums and Bubs Pilates for a duration of 6 weeks.